Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Long time no write!!!

So once again I put the pictures backwards, but I am so far behind I'm just trying to add a few here and there to catch up. These are back from right before Adam got home, and right after he got home. Braedon was potty trained before his Daddy came home, except for pooping, and I got a picture of him on his toilet seat and one of him after he finished peeing on the potty. I also got a picture of the banner I put up for Adam for his homecoming, as well as some pictures at the neighborhood pool we hung out at that first weekend he got home. Braedon picked up with his Daddy right where he left off. He wanted to know where his Daddy was at all times, and even cried and told Adam not to leave him when he had to go into work for a few hours. Boy baby didn't understand and thought he was going to leave again for a while.

So this picture below is of Brae and Adam under the waterfall mushroom. Brae has a good time with that!!!
Here is a nice family one of the three of us. A family self portrait, and we got all of us in it.

Here is the banner I ordered off the internet. It says, "Welcome Home Adam; Husband, Father, Our Hero

Bubby just finished peeing in the potty, good boy!!!

Sitting on the pot trying to do his business. You can do it Brae!!!

I'll get some more up very soon. I want to catch up!!

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