Friday, February 20, 2009

Misc. Days

These darn pictures go from most recent to latest.  Couldn't get them to move.  Grrr.....So, here is some photos ranging from the last few days to my birthday.  He is so much fun!!!  Next post should be Brae's 2nd B-day!  Wowzer!!!
Here is Braedon trying on my purple crocs.  What a goof!
I just love this one.  Brae tried on his underwear.  Not potty training yet, but we had fun putting these on.  He looks adorable!
These next two shots happened after church last weekend.  Brae decided to start "posing" for the pictures.  There were way more pics then this, but I scaled it down to two for the blog.  He is so funny!
Here is the little Valentine!  We had a good day and I watched Sleepless in Seattle once I put Brae in bed.  Got to love all the love stories they put on tv that day.  
Char's Birthday night, Dad was up in Michigan with Grams.
Char sitting with the adorable Keller on her bday.
Brae teasing Uncle Drew.  He was having so much fun!
We all look really pale, but here is a picture of the three girls at Char's baby shower.

Last picture is obviously my birthday.  Missie and Patty brought over a cookie cake they made for me.  Yummy!!

So, other than all these pictures, Brae and I have been keeping busy going to the gym; he has a lot of fun playing in the childcare area.  He barely gives me a kiss while waving bye and runs in to play.  I've been trying to go through our house and clear things out.  I'm getting clothes ready to take to a consignment shop, went through old prom dresses and ball gowns to give away, lots of fun stuff.  Adam should be coming home for R&R soon, yah!  We are so excited.  I can't wait for him and Brae to see eachother.  We are heading up to Copper Mountain, CO for a few days as well and should be a blast.  Adam has been checking updates on what's going on with the snow and stuff.....he is totally siked!  I love it!  Well, I will be on sooner than later to put up pics of Brae's Bday.  I still can't believe he's about to be 2, wow!