Thursday, October 16, 2008

Finally back in...

Ugghhh...!  It has been hard for me to get back on to make another post.  I forgot my password because it had to be longer than my usual one.  So, lots has happened since I first wrote.  Braedon and I went up to Michigan to visit my Grams, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins.  We went to an apple orchard and Brae rode a pony(he loved it!!),  and we spent time hanging out and just visiting with everybody.  He loved my Uncle's house with his dog, fish, and bird.  Braedon made himself right at home.  Shortly after we got back from Michigan, we got a visit from Brae's Meme and Grandpa(Adam's parents).  Oh gosh Mom J. is it Meme, or Mimi??  I know I asked you that already and I don't remember because I haven't written it yet.  Tell me next time we talk please.  Anyway, it was a really fantastic visit as well.  Adam's dad helped with things around the house, we went to dinner, oooh...went on a shopping trip down to these great outlets in San Marcos, and we visited this "Dive" down off of 6th St. in Austin that we saw on the show Diners, Dives, and Drive-Ins.  The food was good, but I'd have to say we all thought it was an interesting place to say the least.  Braedon cried when they pulled out of our driveway at the end of their visit.  

Since then Braedon and I have been keeping busy.  He says Meme bye bye, well he was saying that a day or so after his grandparents left, how sad...He says "Wow" and "Oh" a whole lot and is making the C/K sounds.  I was pointing today at his puzzles and different puzzle pieces, I'd ask him to point out different things and he was able to pick out what I asked. big boy.  I haven't told Grandpa J. this yet, but when he visited he was play fighting with Braedon.  Okay Grandpa, what do you think Brae did next???  Yeah, you are in big trouble mister, he was play hitting Ellie(which he has never done before).  Ellie didn't like it one bit and Braedon got in BIG trouble.  He wasn't being mean, he honestly thought he was playing, but it definitely wasn't fun for Ellie.  Yeah, no more of that until he is old enough to know better.  Braedon is loving the Wiggles and dancing; he dances every chance he gets.  We have started going to this Toddler Story time at our local library once a week.  It is a lot of fun and he enjoys it!  

Adam has been busy as usual.  Doesn't seem like anything new.  He just can't wait to get home.