Thursday, January 22, 2009


Here goes with another blog.  I am telling you I have tried doing this a couple times since Thanksgiving, but I just get so darn frustrated with it.  I can never do it like I want.  

This picture above is Brae, Keller, and Jamie playing with one of Keller's Christmas gifts.  Brae kept saying "mine" because he has one at home and didn't understand that one wasn't his.  

Here is Braedon playing the guitar Aunt Emily and Uncle Jamie got him.  He really loves it!  One day he'll take lessons on it.  :o)  

Yah!!!  I got to go to a Jags game.  We beat the Packers so it was a fantastic game.  Jamie is quite the heckler, hysterical!!

When we got back from a visit to Orlando my Mom and Dad had the Christmas tree up and a train going around it.  Oh my goodness did Braedon love it!!  He would say "Choo choo, choo choo".  He absolutely loved it!

Here is that face I love so much!!  Braedon makes me smile so much, he is just an absolute joy to have.  Okay so I have many more photos to stick on here, but it wouldn't let me so I'll put up some more next time.  I didn't get Christmas up north or Christmas with the Jackson's.  I'll try again later, maybe.  I don't know, I put all the pictures up on snapfish so everyone saw them on there.  Right now we are fighting a stomach bug.  Poor Brae can't keep anything in his tummy without it coming right out of his butt.  I could smell him from the hall this morning.  Poor baby!!  We've been very busy bathing and washing clothes and changing lots of diapers this morning and it's not even 10am.  I believe I've changed him 5 or 6 times.  Hopefully he'll feel better by tomorrow.