Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

Just saying a quick hi and wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!  I'm am very thankful this year for my family and my baby boy, and thoroughly thankful that Adam is doing well over there in Afghanistan.  Brae and I made the trip to Florida Sunday night and got in to my parents house Monday; my Dad helped with the drive.  We have been trying to settle in and just spending time with the fam.  Keller recently turned one so it's fun to see him and Brae together now.  I think by the summer they will be playing more together and it just gets better and better after that.  What cute boys!!  I will get a picture of them today and post one up, ADORABLE is what they are!!  

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hey Baby

So I just had to write this down so I wouldn't forget to tell any of you.  Braedon said it first yesterday, but he's been doing it today as well.  He says, "Hey Baby".  It is so cute!!  I'll try to get it on video so you can hear it as well.  Lately Braedon has been playing with the boys next door.  He'll go out there when their dad is out throwing the football.  Braedon usually runs up to Al, the dad, and says, "mine".  He wants the football so he can throw it and play with it.  He runs around with it in his arms.  It's funny to see him playing with the other kids on the street.  We can't wait for Adam to come home so he can throw the ball with him.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween Festivities

We did a whole lot in the past few weeks.  We went to a pumpkin patch with Missie and her kids, went to the Austin Zoo the weekend before Halloween for a "Boo at the Zoo", a fall festival,  and had a block party Halloween night and had a fun time trick or treating. 

  At the pumpkin patch Braedon walked through a hay maze, painted a mini pumpkin he picked out, played in a big hay stack, and went on a hay ride.  We had a fun time, but Missie and I both agreed it wasn't the best pumpkin patch we'd ever been to.  The Austin Zoo was a fun night.  We ate at the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and headed over to the zoo for a look at the animals in the dark.  Being as Austin is the capital of Texas I thought the zoo would be a little better.  I'm not saying it wasn't a fun night or it wasn't a good zoo, just not what I expected.  The highlight for me of that night was the train ride.  It was cool because they had people out in the woods where the train was going through.  They would run at the train as we went by.  Brae sat on my lap and held on to my thumbs.  At times I thought they were going to pop off from being squeezed so hard, but he never cried or acted scared besides the thumb holding.  Halloween night was fun.  We went to Missie's street for the street party.  We had lots of food and the kids played before getting dressed and heading out to trick or treat.  Brae loved playing with all the kids beforehand.  He dressed as a pirate; I couldn't get him to wear either of his pirate hats, but he did let me put the eye patch up on his forehead and his parrot on his arm the whole time.  He was funny because Missie got out her wagon and Braedon insisted on getting in and riding for several houses.  He finally let me get him out and we got a picture of him getting candy at the first house he went to.  We got him with some little pirate girl we saw along the way too.  He was super cute and we had a great time.  It's hard to believe we are already into November.  I hate to wish my time away, but I do look forward to Adam's deployment being over!!!